The First Employment Sharing Held by CFL


After the written postgraduate examination , the Youth League Committee of the College of Foreign Languages organized an activity to provide employment experience for the students who took part in the postgraduate examination. According to the students' individual situation,the sharing was divided into two part : interview counselling for postgraduate examination and job-seeking skills counseling, respectively inviting graduate students and alumni working for TAL of Tianjin as honored guests.

During the activity, the guests shared their time plans, attitude adjustment and postgraduate career planning, tips for employment and interview experience with the students who attended the activity. Guests reminded that students should have own plans if they didn’t do well in the postgraduate examination.During the process of seeking jobs, it will allow themselves to have a more relaxed attitude if they have more accurate understanding of themselves and know what they really want to do.

The students all said that they had learned a lot by taking part in this activity . It is reported that the college will also provide special employment counseling for  students who took part in the postgraduate examination to help them actively adjust their attitude and keep informed with the employment information.