The alumni of School of foreign languages graduated in 1987 attended the 30th anniversary homecoming celebration


In the afternoon of October 14th, the School of Foreign Languages held the 30th Anniversary Alumni homecoming ceremony for  alumni of the foreign languages department graduated in 1987. 83 class alumni and 84 graduate alumni from home and abroad participated in the activities. People participated in the celebration include Zou Yujie, President of the Party committee of the SFL, Professor Yan Guodong, president of SFL, Professor Liu Shicong, Professor Cai Liwen, Professor Gu Qinan, Professor Jiang Huashang, Professor Ke Weili, Professor Zhang Xiuhua from the Japanese Department, and Professor Hua Benzhong. The meeting was presided  by assistant dean and professor Ma Hongqi.

President Yan Guodong delivered a speech on behalf of all the staff and students to warmly welcome all alumni graduated in 1987 who went back to their alma mater. Yan Guodong comprehensively introduced the development of SFL,  the discipline construction, academic research, personnel training and international construction of the college. At the same time, he introduced the development and change of the college and the affirmative action of alumni donating money to help the college development. It is believed that this will play a spiritually inspiring role to the alumni of Nankai University at home and abroad. On the occasion of the 98th anniversary birthday of Nankai University, the dean also expressed his best wishes and heartfelt greetings to the foreign language alumni of Nankai university.

People who also delivered speeches include Professor Jiang Huashang , Professor Zhang Xiuhua, Professor Wang Limin from the English department, Han Lihong from former Japanese department in memory of the warm relationship between professors and students. Subsequently, seven alumni representatives, with deep affection, holding flowers, warmly shook hands and expressed deep gratitude.

As a reward for his alma mater, the alumni set up a green student subsidies, funding for students with financial difficulties. At the donation ceremony, Yang Lu, an alumnus representative, submitted a donation cheque to the college for 12,4950 yuan. Zou Yujie, Secretary of the Party committee of the college and President Yan Guodong issued a donation certificate to the alumni on behalf of Nankai University.